Fire Safety
Wood in Construction
Key elements of
Designing for fire safety
Fire safety is complex. Although this site allows you to navigate to specific areas, we recommend you visit all sections to get a thorough understanding of the subject – see this site map for a visual flow of information on the site.
With climate change an urgent challenge, it is natural to turn to wood to help achieve sustainable development in the built environment. But the increasing popularity and complexity of wood buildings raise questions about combustibility and fire safety. And revisions in UK Building Regulations have implications for all combustible materials used in construction, including wood.
This industry-wide, independently verified, site is the first stage in bringing together the information needed to answer these questions. It is designed to provide guidance, rather than specific solutions, for the use of timber in buildings, as fire safety design can take many different pathways, influenced by such factors as architectural vision, client demands and product choices. Useful sources and links are provided for further in-depth advice.
Created by experts to guide professionals
This website aims to be a guide to help you create fire-safe wood buildings with confidence. It draws on the latest research and technical expertise of UK and European wood associations and structural engineers, and will be updated as and when new data is available from the extensive, continuing research programme.
Referencing European standards where appropriate, but with a focus on UK regulations and standards, it brings knowledge from across the world to a range of different users, from architects and structural engineers to building owners and the fire service.
This site is suitable for a wide range of users, with additional technical information levels 1 and 2 available on closed toggles for these suggested users: